Shopping Online? Buyer Beware!

You’ve heard it before, and it’s just as true today. Everybody loves a deal, but you rarely get something for nothing. Take online car buying for example. There’s dozens of online vendors out there, all pretty much the same. The offer looks like this. They will search for the best deal they can find, and…

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Pricing a Used Car for Sale

“In the car business it is often said a car has three prices; the price you want, the price you can sell it for, and the price you can sell it for today.” (Hup Clark, Atlantic Euro Car, May 2012) To be serious, there are actually four values commonly associated with used-vehicle pricing; they are…

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Car Buying Tips for Gals (and Guys)

For most people, a new car is second only to a home as the most expensive purchase you will ever make. According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, the average price of a new car is $31,200. If you are planning to shop for a new car or truck, the following tips will help you…

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